Christian Life: Christ-centred Life Vs Self-centred Life We human beings by ourselves are nothing. We have no existence in ourselves except in relation to God and to a certain extent to other human beings and to the cosmos as a whole. All of us feel a sense of nothingness or vacuum one or the other time of our life. Spiritual giants irrespective of religion and time have warned human beings to be aware of it and taught to let God fill this vacuum; if not, one can become materialistic and consumeristic. Today humanity is facing the dangerous situation of being lost of the great purpose for which God created us, i.e., for Himself and in sservice for others! Many are unaware of this fact and are becoming victims of this emptiness which makes them cover this up by being proud of who/what one is (one’s appearance, status, abilities, achievements, relationships, power, wealth, etc) forgetting that all that one IS and HAS come from God and one must live in const...
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