Presently we don’t have a king as used to be in the olden days. We can only imagine and get a glimpse of it watching movies and documents on them, especially the ones on the Bible. In all of them, irrespective of the place, language, culture, time, religion, etc, we find them to be monarchs who lived in pomp and wealth, who lived on the goods of the subjects, mostly exploiting them for their selfish living. In the Old Testament, we find that in the beginning the Israelites did not have a king of their own as had their neighbours. They believed that Yahweh himself was their king. That is why Gideon, one of the Judges in the Israel, said to the Israelites, "I will not rule over you, and my son will not rule over you; the Lord will rule over you" (Judges 8,23). But later the people, being persecuted and attacked by their neighboring kings like the Egyptian and the Philistines. They could no more believe in a King who is invisible to them. That is the reason they ask Samuel, ...