मरियम के साथ यात्रा [भाग 5] - ईश्वर के लिए समर्पित
Journey with Mary [Epi. - 5] - Dedicated to God
सुनने के लिए, लिंक पर क्लिक करेंः
Being dedicated to God is an essential step in becoming like Mary. By dedicating oneself to God, one would never lose oneself, rather preserve oneself for eternity, to be found in God.
As Jesus said, "Those who find their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it." (Matthew 10:39)
Thus we are left with two options:
1) Find (save - live for oneself and one's own mission) our life now and lose it eternally
2) Lose (spend - live for Jesus and His mission) our life now and keep it safe for eternity.
What's your choice 🤔
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