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दिसंबर, 2015 की पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं


Presently we don’t have a king as used to be in the olden days. We can only imagine and get a glimpse of it watching movies and documents on them, especially the ones on the Bible. In all of them, irrespective of the place, language, culture, time, religion, etc, we find them to be monarchs who lived in pomp and wealth, who lived on the goods of the subjects, mostly exploiting them for their selfish living. In the Old Testament, we find that in the beginning the Israelites did not have a king of their own as had their neighbours. They believed that Yahweh himself was their king. That is why Gideon, one of the Judges in the Israel, said to the Israelites, "I will not rule over you, and my son will not rule over you; the Lord will rule over you" (Judges 8,23). But later the people, being persecuted and attacked by their neighboring kings like the Egyptian and the Philistines. They could no more believe in a King who is invisible to them. That is the reason they ask Samuel, ...

Christian Life: Christ-centred Life Vs Self-centred Life

Christian Life: Christ-centred Life Vs Self-centred Life We human beings by ourselves are nothing. We have no existence in ourselves except in relation to God and to a certain extent to other human beings and to the cosmos as a whole. All of us feel a sense of  nothingness or vacuum  one or the other time of our life. Spiritual giants irrespective of religion and time have warned human beings to be aware of it and taught to let God fill this vacuum; if not, one can become materialistic and consumeristic. Today humanity is facing the dangerous situation of being lost  of the great purpose for which God created us, i.e., for Himself and in sservice for others! Many are unaware of this fact and are becoming victims of this emptiness which makes them cover this up by being  proud  of who/what one is (one’s appearance, status, abilities, achievements, relationships, power, wealth, etc) forgetting that all that one IS and HAS come from God and one must live in const...

Birthday of Our Eldest Brother

The purpose of Christian life is to become Christ-like – his brothers and sisters and thus the beloved children of the Heavenly Father. For this very purpose, God the Father had sent his only Son into the world. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, the Catholic Church has the Liturgical Calendar which begins with the Advent Season and ends with the Feast of Christ the King. This calendar is divided in such a way that the life of Christ on the earth is remembered and lived by His own whom He loved till the end (cf. Jn 13,1). Thus those participating in the Liturgy of the Church are given the grace to live with Christ His own life as God has given the wisdom to divide the Liturgical Calendar makes His whole life present here and now. Though Christmas, the Birthday of the Lord, is an event which is remembered on a particular day, i.e., 25th of December, a whole season is named “Christmas Season” in the Liturgical Calendar. It begins with the Birthday of Jesus and ends with His Baptism. Christma...